Monday, June 16, 2014


hoping Wyatt's tooth emerges soon. Teething is not fun at all.

cheering on the World Cup.

reflecting on last Sunday's message (listen to it here).

experimenting with our oven's temperatures.

devouring cookies that were supposed to go to our neighbors, but got a little too brown.

wondering where I would have packed my postage stamps.

unpacking the last of the boxes: we now have a bookshelf!

watching Wyatt army crawl all over the house.

marveling at how much energy he has.

rejoicing in how God has provided everything we need.

designing research to get this PhD underway!

enjoying this town.

walking wherever we can, up hills and down hills and up more hills.

forgetting to bring an umbrella and getting rained on twice. (Wyatt did not seem to mind at all. Yay for our outdoorsy boy!)

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